Naughty Castle Playground Equipment Frequently Asked Questions:
Cause: Power off ( including power outages , electrical system power failure )
1 ) determine the cause , turn off the device power switch ;
2 ) through radio and other effective means to inform passengers of what will happen and consolation , to prevent passengers panic ;
Naughty Castle
3 ) in accordance with contingency plans developed by each device ( usually manual for each device in the emergency mitigation measures ) in the operating procedures for the following:
I, using the most reliable method set down to the cockpit under the passenger position ( for large Ferris wheel generally use standby generators ) ;
II, under the passenger in accordance with the order to manually open the safety pressure bar , doors and other passenger restraint device or Landang matter ( note : not in hours , demolished ) , as soon as the flow of passengers ;
4 ) to appease the passengers and the necessary checks on the injured for treatment ;
5 ) on the device to check the problem should stop operating
( Note: before re- operation , the amusement park rides must be checked , commissioning , after major repairs of equipment should invite qualified inspection organ , in line with the requirements before operation )